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What are Antibiotics?

There are two major types of germs that cause infections, and they are bacteria and viruses. Bacterial infections can be cured by antibiotics whereas viral infections cannot. Viral infections cause colds and most coughs and sore throats. Most people recover from viral infections after the illness has run its course. Some viral infections could lead to bacterial infections. Doctors and pharmacists can tell whether or not you need antibiotics. For example:

Ear Infections - there are some ear infections that need antibiotics to be cured while there are some that do not need antibiotics.

Sinus Infections - antibiotics are needed for some long lasting or severe cases, but other times you do not need antibiotics.

Cough or Bronchitis - you rarely need antibiotics for bronchitis.

Sore Throats – most sore throats are caused by a virus, therefore the only time you need antibiotics for a sore throat is when you have a strep throat, which is diagnosed with a laboratory test, strep throats require antibiotics.

Common Colds – antibiotics have no effect on colds.

Antibiotics are strong medicines that can stop some infections and save lives. But antibiotics can cause more harm than good when they are not used the right way. You can protect yourself and your family by knowing when you should use antibiotics and when you should not.

Keep in mind, antibiotics do not work against all infections. Antibiotics only works against infections caused by bacteria. They do not work against any infections caused by viruses. Viruses cause colds and most coughs and sore throats. Usually, antibiotics kill bacteria or stop them from growing. However, some bacteria have become resistant to specific antibiotics so the antibiotics do not work against them. Resistant bacteria develop faster when antibiotics are used too often are not used correctly. Resistant bacteria sometimes can be treated with antibiotics to which the bacteria have not yet become resistant. These medicines may have to be given intravenously through a vein in a hospital. A few kinds of resistant bacteria are untreatable.





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